Safe spaces, building confidence & uncovering Talents: A catch up with Remmie

We caught up with Remmie, a participant in one of twelve Kampala’s safe spaces operated by the Central Cluster partners (Action for Fundamental Change and Development and Serving Lives Under Marginalization) and supported and funded by Children’s Rights and Violence Prevention Fund through the Adolescent Girls Power program. This is what she had to say in her own words about the safe space and how it has impacted her life.

“Before I joined the safe space, I lacked confidence, I was unhappy and rude to those around me. I did not believe in myself which made it difficult to make friends and be around other people. One day, someone in my area told me about these meetings called ‘safe spaces’. She told me that I would be able to learn about many things alongside girls who were my age. A part of me had always wanted to learn more, become a more confident person, make friends and be nicer to other people, so I decided to give the safe space a chance.

The greatest lesson I learnt from the safe space was how to be confident. The facilitators organized sessions where everyone was encouraged to participate. The meetings had rules, like not making fun of other girls and supporting someone when they spoke or performed. This made the safe space meetings feel welcoming and safe.

We would often have life skills sessions where we would learn different things like how to speak up for yourself or how to work in a group. When I would be chosen to answer questions or contribute, I would receive many claps and cheers from the other girls. Each time this happened, it made me believe in myself more. I have grown as a person because of the love, support and belonging I found within my safe space. I was able to be myself and free to say what I thought without any fear of being laughed at or judged.

The safe space also helped me discover my passion for acting. Before joining, I did not know that I was a talented actress, but after I acted once, the other girls always chose to be the lead actress. This made me feel special and confident in my acting abilities. Every time I get the opportunity to act, I take it, and now I want to become an actress when I grow up.

The confidence I gained through the safe space has helped me to step into the role of a peer mentor. A peer mentor once helped me realize my strengths and gave me a safe space to express myself. Now, I am that person for another girl. My role as a peer mentor does not stop during safe space meetings but extends into my everyday life. In my area, they call me the ‘President of Girls’ because they heard I was a peer mentor. Young girls come to me for advice or ask me to help them speak to a local leader or doctor when they have a problem. Being called President of Girls makes me very happy and proud.”

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